Title I Information Sessions
Fairport families, mark your calendars! All school districts that receive Title I funding are required to hold parent meetings to inform parents of their programming related to Title I. These meetings will inform parents of their school’s participation in Title I, the requirements of the Title I program, and the rights of the parents to be involved in their child’s education. Please visit the Fairport Central School District’s Board of Education Policy 8260 for more information.
Families are invited to join us at:
➡ Martha Brown on January 14, 6:30 pm (*Virtual* PTSA Meeting)
➡ Brooks Hill on January 15, 6:30 pm (PTSA Meeting)
➡ Johanna Perrin on January 23, 7 pm (PTSA Meeting)
➡ Northside on March 20, 6:30 pm (PTSA Meeting)
Please reach out to Kelly Weishaar
Parents and families will be invited to give feedback and ask questions about Title I - please join us!