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Building/Facilities Use

Community groups are welcome to use school facilities when they are not being used for school purposes. A community group is one in which the majority of members are residents of the District. Organizations wishing to use District facilities must file an application with the building principal and have a certificate of insurance and a Hold Harmless Agreement with the District. This procedure is part of the District’s Risk Management Insurance Program and is mandatory. Organization representatives should contact the building principal to determine the type of insurance certificate/hold harmless agreements needed and to obtain an application.

Activities Prohibited

In the interest of personal safety and protection of school property, the following activities are prohibited on school property unless conducted as part of the instructional program. This list is not all-inclusive: horseback riding; skating (includes skateboarding, rollerblading); running or walking of dogs; playing golf or hitting golf balls; hunting; use and operation of snowmobiles, motorcycles (except when used as transportation to and from school), mini-bikes, ATVs, go-carts; winter sports activities such as sledding and tobogganing; flying of gas-propelled or motor-driven model airplanes and model rockets; and use or possession of firearms, air guns, slingshots, bows, or other like instruments.

Application for Room Use

If an organization plans an activity to be held in a classroom, cafeteria, or auditorium, application must be made at the specific school. Forms are available in each school or in the Files & Documents are at the bottom of the page. Approval by the building principal is required.

If the activity involves the use of a gymnasium, swimming pool or playing field, an application must be filed with the Office of Physical Education and Athletics at Fairport High School. Approval by the athletic director is required.


If school personnel stay beyond their working hours for an activity, the organization will be charged for labor costs. Other fees may be charged at the discretion of the District. There are special charges for use of the swimming pools at Minerva DeLand and Fairport High Schools. The money reimburses the District for expenses involved in the operation and maintenance of these facilities. Payment is required upon receipt of a bill from the District.

Priority Use

Priority for use of facilities is given in the following order:

  1. School activities conducted directly by school personnel
  2. School-related activities sponsored by organizations directly connected with the schools
  3. Activities sponsored by the Perinton Recreation & Parks Department, continuing education, scouts, and similar organizations
  4. Other community organizations
  5. Non-community organizations on an emergency basis (fees will be charged)

Protection of Facilities

If you see an unusual activity at a school site, please call the police immediately. A follow-up call to the director of Buildings and Grounds at (585) 421-2046 is also encouraged and appreciated. Under NYS law, liability for property damage inflicted by children, ages 10-18, is placed directly on the parent/guardian.

Files & Documents