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Breakfast Carts Program


Mornings can be really crazy. The alarm doesn’t go off…. the kids don’t want to get up… there’s no time to eat breakfast before the bus comes… or they are just not ready to eat.  Maybe your teenager grabs a can of soda and a candy bar on the way to school.  If this sounds like your house, we have good news for you!

Breakfast is served at all Fairport Schools!  School Breakfast will give your child a healthy start to the day.  A nutritious breakfast helps students be more alert so they can learn more in class. Breakfast provides vitamins and nutrients for a strong and healthy body. 

Breakfast at school is affordable, too.  If you qualify for free or reduced price meals, you also qualify for the breakfast program, with no additional paperwork.  You can’t find a healthy breakfast for $1.65 anywhere else.

Help your child start the day right with school breakfast!

Food Service worker standing by a computer and table with breakfast items

A food service worker helping a teacher and students checkout

A rack of breakfast foods on the cafeteria counter

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