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Student Name/Gender Change

Fairport Central School District Student Name and Gender Change FAQ

Updated April 2024

In accordance with New York State Education law and Fairport CSD Board policies, we recognize the rights for students to discuss and convey their gender identity and expression openly and to decide when, with whom, and how much to share this confidential information. For those students who choose to identify with an affirmed name and or gender, the following FAQ is intended to provide guidance for their decision making.

What is the difference between choosing an Affirmed Name or a Nickname? A student who wants to be identified by another name other than their legal name can do so in three ways:

1. You can go through the Monroe County Courts to follow the process of a legal name change with parental permission. This changes the name on your birth certificate and other government identifying documents. There is a fee for doing this. Name Change Basics | NY CourtHelp

2. A student can choose to be referred to by an affirmed name per the NYS Education Department. To do so you can print the form or obtain one through the registrar or your guidance office, and discuss this with your parent or guardian. A signature is required for a student under the age of 18 years of age. 

3. For students who wish to be identified by another name but do not want to go through the above processes and do not want to seal school records attached to their legal name, they can request a nickname. This will show up in Schooltool in parentheses next to your legal name. 

Is the affirmed name change a legal name change? No, not outside of the public school system. Please see the descriptions above. NYS Education Department does require that when a student requests an affirmed name change, their education file is then sealed prior to that name change and all school related documents must reflect the new affirmed name moving forward.

How do I start the process for a name change? First determine who you want to be aware of your name change. Then discuss with your parents and/or school counselor and decide which type of name change as listed above that you prefer. It is important to understand the implications of these decisions, which we hope to highlight further in this document. Your counselor can assist with supporting a conversation with your parent/guardian.

How will staff know (or substitutes) what the correct name is? You are responsible for sharing your preference with staff as it is your private information. If you choose one of the above ways to change your identifying name, then your teachers will see this in schooltool. While we would like for substitutes to be aware, that is challenging as they do not get full access to schooltool rosters. Teachers can leave notes on their sub plans. 

How does email change to align with the affirmed name? When you make a name change, legal or affirmed, your school email address will be updated to reflect the first initial of your affirmed name. This is done in collaboration with our registrar and the district’s helpdesk. This will not occur if you choose a nickname as described above.

What name am I allowed to use on my working papers or permit? Employment certificates and permits, commonly referred to as working papers, are official employment documents that must reflect a minor’s current legal name. An employer will need to confirm that the employment certificate matches the student’s identification and other legal employment documentation. Identification can be a birth certificate, state issued photo ID, driver’s license, or passport. When issuing employment papers, the school should explain to the student the need to use their legal name and suggest, if the student feels comfortable, they can have a conversation with their employer asking that they be referred to by their affirmed name and have their identification badge reflect their affirmed name.

What happens to my child’s records after they change their name? When a student changes their name to an affirmed name the student data management system is updated and all electronic files connected to the student ID number are now changed to the new affirmed name. For example, the student transcript, student class schedule, student report cards, and other identifying documents affiliated with the student’s ID. The student’s ID number assigned by the district upon registration does not change. The cumulative folder is maintained at the building with hard copy materials of the students educational file and labeled confidential.

How does choosing an affirmed name impact the college application process with the common application, etc? If you choose an affirmed name without making a legal name change, then you will have to be thoughtful about your communication throughout the college application process. For instance completing a college application in your affirmed name will not align with your Financial Aid Application (FAFSA) because that has to go by your legal name. Just as tuition payment and loan information will be linked to a student ID associated with your Social Security Number. Colleges have adapted their application process to request a legal name and an affirmed name associated with that legal name. This allows them to link the two names and avoid issues with paperwork, transcripts, etc. 

What spaces can my child access based on their preferred gender? Students can use the restroom in which they identify with as well as the preferred locker room for pe/athletics. The district also offers single use bathrooms throughout each of our school buildings for student use. When a student is on an athletic team they can work directly with their coach to access the preferred locker room at a visiting school or other prior arranged space that meets their needs. 

What are the requirements of accessing athletic teams with their preferred gender? A student can choose to try out for an athletic team that aligns with their preferred gender. Once they make this choice that is the only team of that sport they can try out for. If they do not make the team, they are not able to go back to their birth gender and try out on that team as well. If considering this, students are encouraged to talk with their family, prospective coach, and if needed the Director of Athletics. 

What steps do I take if my child is teased or bullied for changing their name? If any student is teased or bullied as a result of their gender identity or name preference, have the student seek support through their school counselor or school administrator. If this isn't resolved, as a parent you are welcome to reach out as well. If you feel any situation reaches the level of bullying or harassment or is ongoing, you can submit a DASA complaint via the FCSD website or by calling your school principal. 

Yearbook, Awards and Graduation Ceremonies and Diplomas

Fairport Central School District also recognizes that the Yearbook is an integral piece of student life on a school campus. As such, Fairport Schools will allow students to request a preferred name be published in the yearbook that corresponds to the gender identity the student consistently asserts at school.

Additionally, these rules also extend to student preferences for award and graduation ceremonies as well as your diploma, as these are all local documents.