Today’s fourth-grade class at ZZZZZ school (because the students are tired in the afternoon) saw the singers Twenty Pilots in an AWESOME assembly!! The singers were wearing Biggie Smalls gear and Jordans while playing baseball and chasing butterflies on the stage. They said they love stopping in Rochester on their tour because of the Red Wings and seeing Spong Bob at the Strong. They also like stopping in Iceland. Seven students in the class were chosen to tour with them.
NEW DISCOVERY!!! Scientists announce that there are now 12 planets! Unfortunately, Pluto is not one of them. It is still a dwarf planet. Poor Pluto. The names of the 4 new planets are Mickey, Kingbob, Cordsen, and Pasta842. Stay tuned for more information on this developing story!
On March 26, 2098, Iron Stitch was not in the mood to be in be in library class. He said he would rather be playing football in the Chili Association Invitational even though it was supposed for soccer and chili with beans.
In library class at Thomas Jefferson Elementary University, today’s 4th-grade class saw Pikachu as he prepared for his trip to the American Museum of Natural History. He was wearing Supply & Demand clothing and Adidas sneakers. He was mooooody but otherwise looking forward to his vacation.