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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

COVID-19 Dashboard

The New York State COVID-19 dashboard below provides data on Fairport CSD’s positive cases of students and staff. To find Fairport’s data, Click on "Public Schools". Then, in the search box type “Fairport” to view the information. To comply with health privacy regulations, no identifying information will be shared about a person who tests positive for COVID-19.


New York State COVID-19 School Report Card

COVID-19 Positive Cases

The District collaborates with the Monroe County Department of Health (MCDOH) on all positive COVID-19 cases involving students and staff. All contact tracing is done through the MCDOH. The MCDOH has informed the District that they do not believe anyone in Fairport schools is at risk if you and or your child(ren) are not contacted when there is a positive case identified. If the MCDOH indicates there is anything further that needs to occur at the District level, we will keep you updated. Per Federal privacy laws, the District is unable to legally disclose any further details or personal identifiable information. 

Per HIPAA regulations, the District is unable to legally disclose details or personal identifiable information on positive cases. The District has and will continue to follow CDC guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting District buildings and schools.

Any questions related to potential exposure, testing, contact tracing or quarantining should be directed to the MCDPH at (585) 753-5555 or by emailing

Best practices - mask wearing, staying physically distant from others, and washing our hands - will continue to be at the forefront as the District continues to do everything it can to mitigate the risk and minimize the spread of COVID-19. 

As a reminder, it is essential that parents/guardians complete the health screening each school day for every child attending school in person. This assessment can be found on the ParentSquare app.

Contact Information:

Deborah Miles
Director of Student Services, COVID 19 District Liaison





  • Signs were posted in our schools' digital displays and around the building (paper posters) reminding people to mask, social distance, and wash their hands and practice good hygiene. Everyone can help prevent the spread of infectious diseases.

    The District frequently cleans and disinfects all areas that students and staff use daily. This includes school buses, which are cleaned daily. Furthermore, the District deep cleans each weekend. The general cleaner that the District uses is a multipurpose cleaner and disinfectant.

    District staff members were taking extra time throughout the school day to allow students to wash their hands, specifically around lunch, recess and physical education classes. The District is bringing in 24 portable hand washing stations for high traffic areas.

    We will continue to follow national, state, and county health department guidelines in an effort to keep our community members safe.

  • The NYSDOH recommends the following ways to minimize the spread of all respiratory viruses:

    • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available.
    • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
    • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
    • Stay home when you are sick.
    • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when coughing or sneezing. If you use a tissue, throw it in the trash.
    • Routinely clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
    • Wear a cloth face cover.
    • Social distance at least 6 feet from others.
    • Learn more protective measures from the CDC.
  • Our top priority is the social and emotional well-being of our children and families, and that they are feeling safe and healthy. If school community members need support, please click here to learn more about, or to contact, the Safe Schools Hotline or your child's school principal and/or counselor.

  • The world has changed rapidly and abruptly. Our community circle is becoming more “virtual” and we are working diligently to connect each student and family to our online community. It is also a time when the nation, and our very own Fairport community, needs love, healing, and nurturing.

    “Community Circle” will be an on-going resource for articles, videos, webinars, and more aimed at building connections and understanding between people. Our personal identities and life experiences change the ways this current crisis impacts us. It is our hope to remain connected and to learn from each other.

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