Click here for a PDF guide for logging into Schooltool for the first time
Go to the Schooltool Login Pageat
Enter your email address in the Username field on the Schooltool website.
Make sure you enter your full email address (
This MUST be the same email address you have on file with the district. If you need to change your email address, see the instructions for updating Emergency Contact Information.
Click "Login" without entering any password.
Once the login fails, a link for "New User" will appear underneath the "Login" button. Click on the "New User" link, and enter your email address once again, and click "Submit".
An email will be sent to you with a new password. Be sure to check your SPAM folder if you do not receive the email containing your password.
Return to and login with your email address and the password that was sent to you.
Once logged in, please navigate to the "Accounts" tab to change your password to something more memorable.
Enter your email address in the Username field on the Schooltool login page.
Click "Login" without entering any password.
Once the login fails, a link for "Forgot Password?" will appear underneath the "Login" button. Click on the link, enter your email address once again, and click "Submit".
An email will be sent to you with a new password. Be sure to check your SPAM folder if you do not receive the email containing your password.
Return to Schooltool login page and login with your email address and the password that was sent to you.
Once logged in, please navigate to the "Accounts" tab to change your password to something more memorable.
When using the SchoolTool iOS/Android app, you will need enter the following URL when prompted:
Students in grades 6-12 have access to SchoolTool, which allows them to access their schedules, progress and report card information, and individual teacher assignment grades for participating teachers. The District has used SchoolTool since the 2006-07 school year as its student information and management system (SIS). For questions or comments about SchoolTool, students may talk to their classroom teachers, librarians, or computer lab staff. Students should login to SchoolTool from Fairport Classlink.
When you log in, you will see the homepage. This page contains a list of your students in the system.
To view the information for your student, click the "person" icon to the left of the student's name (see below)
Click on the "person" icon next to the child you would like to view and wait for the screen to reload.
Click on the tab labeled "Grades"
Click the printer icon (This pops up a new window. If you are using Safari you may need to enable popups for the page to view the report card)
For best results, we recommend accessing report card data on a standard Laptop or Desktop computer with any modern web browser and Adobe PDF viewer software installed. Schooltool will function properly on a mobile device or tablet, however, the report card generated when clicking the print icon may not display correctly on mobile.
A popup blocker is restricting the report card from running. This is a common issue with the Safari browser. Turn off popup blockers or look near your address bar for an icon indicating that the action was blocked. If you click that icon, you can typically override this.
Report cards require a PDF viewer in order to view. We recommend using Adobe Reader to view PDFs. Once installed, run the report card again and it should load properly.
The printer icon will only display on the full version of Schooltool and when report cards are released. If you are on the full site (not the mobile version) and you still do not see the icon, either the report cards have not yet been published to parents or your drop down selections are not on the correct marking period or school year.
An address is underlined if it is the address where the student resides.
Schooltool uses icons to display a number of different pieces of information. If you hover your mouse cursor over an icon for a few seconds, a message will appear with an explanation of the icon's meaning.
Grades are not displayed until the student's school has verified and published the information. Because of this, it is possible to see the grades of a student in one school but not from another.
Elementary report cards are viewed by clicking on the Print Icon on the Grades tab.
Schooltool performs periodic updates and maintenance throughout the school year. Please be patient during these down times.
It means that you do not have an email address on file. Please contact your student's school office to update your email address.
The information in SchoolTool is live. You will see updates as they occur at your child’s school.
If you have any questions about your student’s grades or schedule, call your student’s teacher or counselor. For questions regarding contact information, please contact your student’s main/guidance office.