Message from the Superintendent – Honoring the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Dear Fairport families,
This weekend we honor the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his profound impact on the conscience of our country. His determination in the face of injustice and his compassion for his fellow citizens remain a beacon of hope to this day. In 1964, he addressed the graduating students at Springfield College:
“And so we must…realize that the time is always right to do right. And so you go out into communities, all over this nation, with a great problem. And I would urge you to be involved participants, and not detached spectators. And never rest, never be content, until in your life and in the situation in which you live, you have established the principle of the ‘Brotherhood of Man.’” – “Springfield College Commencement Address,” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., 1964
As we navigate a world that can sometimes feel like it’s pulled apart at the seams, I am comforted by the fact that the Fairport values of Compassion, Awareness, Respect and Embracing Differences echo Dr. King’s call: we urge our students to reach beyond themselves and to recognize and uplift those around them.
In the spirit of Dr. King, Fairport is proud to participate in the National Day of Racial Healing on January 17. I encourage you to learn more about and attend the activities and opportunities the District is hosting in the coming week focused on racial healing and action.
Thank you for your continued support of the students and staff of the Fairport Central School District. It remains that in times of challenge and division, and in times of celebration and joy, we are always better together.
Yours in appreciation,
Brett Provenzano
Superintendent of Schools