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Investing in our Future-Ready Raiders:

We are excited to invite Fairport and Perinton residents to join us for a new series of communication sessions that will bring taxpayers “Under the Hood” of the school budget process. 

“Under the Hood” is a new offering from the District to help Fairport and Perinton voters understand the behind-the-scenes fiscal facts and factors of a school district budget. Over the course of two evening sessions, members of the public are invited to take a look behind the scenes of the annual budget and shine a light on the budget development process:

  • What do Fairport’s historical budgets tell us about the District’s current finances?

  • What factors influence the development of a school budget?

  • How does the District forecast or predict the impact of those factors?

  • How does our budget stack up against other local districts? Against districts across New York?

We will tackle these questions and engage in conversation with community members about their questions regarding the FCSD budget.

We ask that anyone interested in attending commit to BOTH of the below sessions, in order to get a wide-angle view of all the factors impacting the budget, including expenditures, mandates, revenues and the impact of NYS aid on what finally appears on the ballot at the annual vote in May. 

  • March 27, 6:30 - 8 p.m. at Fairport High School in Room 512
  • April 10, 6:30 - 8 p.m. at Fairport High School in Room 512 

People can register for the sessions by filling out this Google form. We ask that those who plan to attend submit a registration form by March 10.